I let go of struggle and surrender to the universe – I Set My Intention

I let go of struggle and surrender to the universe – I Set My Intention

by | I Set My Intention, Law of Attraction, Meditation, Mindfulness

Join us for an intention setting practice and enjoy some minutes of mindfulness. Our intention is to allow ourselves to release anything that we are struggling with and surrender to the universe.

Of course, this is often easier said than done… But know you are always on the right path, you were given it for a reason. Follow it. Trust it. Believe in it.

Your struggles are the reason for your strength.

You’ve got this, and so has the universe.

✨”I let go of struggle and surrender to the universe”✨

“We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us” ~ Joseph Campbell

I hope you enjoy the video.


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If you enjoyed these Minutes of Mindfulness, why not pop over to our YouTube Channel, which is packed with mindfulness meditations, relaxation and inspirational videos.

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