Create a Self-Care Ritual that helps you reachyour big dreams

The I Set My Intention Planner & Journal is the perfect tool to help you set your intentions each month under the full moon and new moon according to the zodiac so that you can focus on manifesting them into being.

Finding some time each month to relax into your thoughts and set intentions is a great way to practice mindfulness and create a 2-weekly self-care ritual. Sometimes, getting quiet and going within is all we need to get some clarity on where we want to go, what we want to accomplish and how we are feeling about where we are right now.

Let your thoughts come to the surface, and allow yourself to immerse yourself in them for a little while with journaling sections for each New Moon and Full Moon.

It is available throughout the year so that you can make the most of it depending on when you order it. (Annual or starting Mid Year)

This planner/journal includes:

    • Gorgeous cover page.
    • An introduction on how to use this planner.
    • A list of dates for the New Moons and Full Moons for the year.
    • Annual Calendar page.
    • Monthly Planner pages.
    • Step by step New Moon and Full Moon Ritual instructions.
    • Full Moon and New Moon Intention setting sheets for each month.
    • Full Moon and New Moon Journaling sheets for each month.
    • A Full Moon and New Moon mandala colouring mantra page for each month.
    • A new year vision board ritual.
    • First full moon of the year Self-Care Ritual.

The ISMI Planner + Journal makes the perfect altar tool for moon manifesting and is great for getting your big vision goals written down so that you can really focus on them.

Love this journal so much!! It really helps me get into the right headspace for setting my intentions and it’s also helping me to pay more attention to moon phases, which I was never great at.

~ Kristen
Grand Blanc, MI

Order yours today for just £4.99

“Powerful words come with powerful intent. Where you have passion, strength, courage, and determination you can accomplish anything” ~ K.L. Toth